Seasonal buying opportunities come every quarter in the information technology space. Yes, there are great deals promoted around Black Friday and Cyber Monday. But every technology firm is on it’s own release schedule.
This month, June 2017, both iThemes and CobaltApps provided offers that we had to take them up on. iThemes has a portfolio of WordPress solutions and design tools. iThemes BackupBuddy is one of the oldest, if not the oldest premium WordPress backup solution. With the release of BackupBuddy Version 8.0, iThemes is offering 50% BackupBuddy and BackupBuddy Stash, through June 30, 2017. What is Stash? It’s an optimized incremental hosted WordPress backup solution. To take advantage of their 50% discount special best of the year pricing, use promo code: BACKUPBUDDY8 and review the variety of solutions at BackupBuddy. Iterative Science now holds a unlimited, forever Gold license to BackupBuddy. Your sites will be backed up on schedule with BackupBuddy!
We also acquired an unlimited license to the suite of CobaltApps tools. Genesis Framework developers are a hardcore bunch. Most tend to code websites from scratch, using a Genesis Starter Theme of some sorts. CobaltApps bridges the gap with a suite of solutions. The CobaltApps Dynamik Website Builder is a Genesis starter theme with integrated user friendly website building tools. Dynamik provides an interface that eliminates coding, but still requires an understanding of Genesis Framework fundamentals.
For Genesis developers that want to customize an already published Genesis child theme, CobaltApps provides their Genesis Extender plugin solution. Install Genesis Extender, and you have access to the most all the custom design aspects in Dynamik Website Builder, but you’ve got a head start with a fully designed child theme. One approach is to use Genesis Extender to customize any of the StudioPress Genesis child themes. Another approach is to provide end-users with Genesis Extender and let them do some modification of child themes that you’ve created for them. It’s a win-win solution.
And CobaltApps leveraged their design tools and provides tools for customizing BeaverBuilder, GenerateWP. Beaver Extender and GP Extender plugins. How about child themes? The Child Themer Plugin supports StudioPress themes, BeaverBuilder, GenerateWP and even the most recent WordPress TwentySixteen and TwentySeventeen themes. And how about a front end CSS dev tool? There’s the CobaltApps FE CSS Builder Plugin compatible with the same bundle as The Child Themer.